QTS has provided training and performance support services across industries since 1997. Our custom virtual or on-site training consulting services help provide training solutions critical to the success of your organization with an emphasis on real-world performance.

A sample of the consulting services we offer include Managed Training Services, Human Performance Improvement Optimization, Knowledge Transfer and Retention, and more!


Contact us today at or call 443-755-0790 ext. 119 to learn more about how our consulting services can help you improve your training program!


Managed Training Services

QTS Managed Training Services allows you to expand the size of your training team and get more done. This service provides you with a QTS training consultant, who augments your administrative or training staff, supporting your training department by developing materials, designing or enhancing training processes, creating individual development plans, and maintaining and updating training records in a training management system.

For customers who use the Quality Training Database (QTD), this service also provides training and optimization coaching on how to organize your training data most effectively for compliance purposes and get the most from QTD.



Human Performance Improvement (HPI) Optimization Services

Human Performance Improvement (HPI) is a results-based, systematic approach to reducing human error. QTS partners with organizations to optimize and integrate HPI tools and methods into specific job positions and overall training.

Our proprietary method includes performing a gap analysis to fully understand problem areas and help customers identify opportunities for HPI integration. We then work with leadership to design and develop key HPI tools, methods, and products to incorporate into training programs.



Knowledge Transfer and Retention Services

Employee turnover is the number one cause of critical organizational knowledge loss. Turnover is stressful and expensive for leaders and organizations, especially when it means losing your most experienced or high-performing workers. It is vital to have a plan in place for capturing
employee knowledge and documenting their expertise.

QTS is an expert in knowledge capture and retention. For over 25 years we have helped high performance organizations document the “how-to’s” and “lessons learned” from subject matter experts in technical jobs, preserving expertise for the next generation. We help our clients apply knowledge management best practices, implement knowledge capture and transfer tools and processes, and build a culture of learning to mitigate the risk of loss of expertise that comes with employee turnover.