Make training fun with gamification! QTS customizes and builds workshops, learning games, simulations, and more!

Contact us today at or call 443-755-0790 ext. 119 to learn more about how we can build a custom learning tool to boost employee engagement in your training program!


HPI Case Study Workshop

This instructor-led workshop helps trainees apply HPI tools and principles using the 1975 shipwreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald as a case study. Participants are briefed on the case and
facilitated activities allow them to think through and problem solve how they would have handled the event differently.

The workshop includes downloadable Facilitator’s Guide, case study files, and PowerPoint presentation for future safety trainings.

Blackout Critical Thinking Simulator

Blackout is a critical thinking training tool for electric utility system operators and engineers. Functioning as a tabletop simulator, Blackout generates random operating scenarios which simulate abnormal system events.

Participants must recognize the state of the system and provide corrective actions to restore
the system to its normal operating state within 15 minutes. Click here to learn more!

On the Job Training (OJT)

Partnering with your Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), our training experts can develop customized On-the-Job Training Guides (OJT) for your initial and continuing training needs. QTS develops and organizes your OJTs with comprehensive information for each of your operating or safety positions, creating an accurate, foundational training tool which describes:

  • The task performed and related steps
  • The conditions necessary for learning transfer (prerequisites, tools, equipment, documentation, briefings, demonstrations, and practice)
  • And performance standards measured through a combination of task/step accuracy, completeness, and repetition

Your completed OJT Guides include a complete set of task, condition, and standard information for tasks performed in each respective role.

Self-Study Guides

Self-study guides provide instructions, content, and learning activities so that the trainee can study content independently, freeing up instructor time and resources. They provide structure and guidance for the learner and reduce the need for developing training materials from scratch, thereby reducing training costs.

A self-study guide directs the learner through various learning activities designed to achieve the desired learning objectives. Our self-study guides typically contain technical content as required to ensure that the topics are presented in a complete and coherent manner. Each study guide contains self-administered review questions and answers that the learner can use to informally evaluate his/her learning, in preparation for a formal knowledge test.

Self-study guides are appropriate for learning objectives involving information that is readily available in existing documents including operating procedures, NERC standards, and off-the shelf-training materials within your department.